129 research outputs found

    Paradigma dan Revolusi Sains (Telaah atas konsep pemikiran Thomas Samuel Kuhn dan implikasinya dalam teori belajar)

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    Abstrak: Perubahan radikal dalam sains pada awal Eropa modern berpengaruh amat besar terhadap riset-riset praktis dan konsep berikutnya tentang masyarakat dan manusia itu sendiri. Pola pengembangan yang khas dari sebuah kematangan sains adalah transisi berturutan dari satu paradigma ke paradigma lain melalui proses revolusi. Sains pada dasarnya lebih dicirikan oleh paradigma dan revolusi yang menyertainya. Konsep sentral Kuhn adalah apa yang dinamakan dengan paradigma. Istilah paradigma identik dengan “skema” dalam teori belajar. Skema adalah suatu struktur mental atau kognisi yang dengannya seseorang secara intelektual beradaptasi dengan lingkungan sekitarnya. Skema ini akan beradaptasi dan berubah seiring perkembangan mentalnya. Teori belajar, dimana pembelajar mengkonstruksi “skemaskemanya” dikenal dengan konstruktivisme. Abstrak: Perubahan radikal dalam sains pada awal Eropa modern berpengaruh amat besar terhadap riset-riset praktis dan konsep berikutnya tentang masyarakat dan manusia itu sendiri. Pola pengembangan yang khas dari sebuah kematangan sains adalah transisi berturutan dari satu paradigma ke paradigma lain melalui proses revolusi. Sains pada dasarnya lebih dicirikan oleh paradigma dan revolusi yang menyertainya. Konsep sentral Kuhn adalah apa yang dinamakan dengan paradigma. Istilah paradigma identik dengan “skema” dalam teori belajar. Skema adalah suatu struktur mental atau kognisi yang dengannya seseorang secara intelektual beradaptasi dengan lingkungan sekitarnya. Skema ini akan beradaptasi dan berubah seiring perkembangan mentalnya. Teori belajar, dimana pembelajar mengkonstruksi “skemaskemanya” dikenal dengan konstruktivisme. Kata kunci: paradigma, skema, dan konstruktivisme


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    This study aims to obtain a trainer that is suitable for use as a learning medium in the subject of 1 Phase Electrical Lighting Installation. The eligibility of the trainer includes aspects of validity, aspects of practicality and aspects of effectiveness. In this study, the method used is the research and development (R&D) method (Sugiyono, 2015: 407) where the stages in this study include: (1) analysis of potential and problems; (2) data collection; (3) product design; (4) design validation; (5) design revision; (6) product testing and (7) data analysis and reporting. The results of the feasibility of the 1-phase electric lighting installation trainer learning media are reviewed from three aspects, including: (1) the validity aspect obtained from the validation results of the 1-phase electric lighting installation trainer learning media carried out by the validator at 3,2 with valid criteria; (2) the practical aspect was obtained from the results of the teacher's response of 0.844 and the student's response of 0.970 with reliable criteria or said to be very practical; and (3) the aspect of effectiveness in terms of student learning outcomes at school in the domain of pre-test knowledge obtained an average value of 3.888 and posttest learning outcomes obtained an average score of 8.322 in this case it can be seen that there is an increase in the achievement of student learning outcomes so that it can be It was concluded that the 1-phase electric lighting installation trainer learning media was very suitable for use in research

    Method of Score Equality and Sample Size

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    This study is aimed to obtain information of different score variance result of equating linear method and equipercentile method for sample size 200, 400, and 800 in Ujian Akhir Sekolah Berstandar Nasional (UASBN). The research is important in considering the test device of UASBN shaped packages of different tests. Scores obtained from different packages can not be directly inferred the existence of differences in ability between them, because the difficulty level of the package used influencing these differrences. To overcome the differences are doing through equating. The method used is an experiment of two variables, equating method and the number of respondents. The experiments are not conducted during the learning process, but conducted after the score and the pattern of the answers obtained through UASBN. The population examinee UASBN SD/MI 2008/2009 for IPA subject matter at East Jakarta. Sampling uses random replacement technique. The hypothesis is tested using similarity variance. The results with α = 0,05 shows: (1) score variance equipercentile method (σ2ekp200) is not different to score variance linear method (σ2lin200) for the sample size 200, (2) score variance equipercentile method (σ2ekp400) is not different to score variance equating linear method (σ2lin400) for the sample size 400, and (3) score variance equipercentile method (σ2ekp800) is not different to score variance equating linear method (σ2lin800) for the sample size 800

    The Effect of Pair Programming Learning Model on Learning Outcomes of Basic Programming of Vocational School Students

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    The main problem in formal learning today is the low absorption of students in understanding the material. This can be seen from the average student learning outcomes which are always still low. Low learning outcomes are indicated because the learning conditions are still conventional (lectures, practicums, and discussions). This study aims to determine the effect of pair programming learning models on learning outcomes of vocational high school students. This research was conducted through a literature review and relevant research results and was continued through a Focus Group Discussion (FGD). From the research it was found that there was a significant positive influence between the variable pair programming learning model and student learning outcomes, which means that student learning outcomes can be improved through the application of the pair programming learning model


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    This study is aimed to obtain information of different score variance result of equating linear method and equipercentile method for sample size 200, 400, and 800 in Ujian Akhir Sekolah Berstandar Nasional (UASBN). The research is important in considering the test device of UASBN shaped packages of different tests. Scores obtained from different packages can not be directly inferred the existence of differences in ability between them, because the difficulty level of the package used influencing these differrences. To overcome the differences are doing through equating. The method used is an experiment of two variables, equating method and the number of respondents. The experiments are not conducted during the learning process, but conducted after the score and the pattern of the answers obtained through UASBN. The population examinee UASBN SD/MI 2008/2009 for IPA subject matter at East Jakarta. Sampling uses random replacement technique. The hypothesis is tested using similarity variance. The results with α = 0,05 shows: (1) score variance equipercentile method (σ2ekp200) is not different to score variance linear method (σ2lin200) for the sample size 200, (2) score variance equipercentile method (σ2ekp400) is not different to score variance equating linear method (σ2lin400) for the sample size 400, and (3) score variance equipercentile method (σ2ekp800) is not different to score variance equating linear method (σ2lin800) for the sample size 800.Penelitian ini bertujuan memperoleh informasi perbedaan variansi skor hasil penyetaraan metode linear dan metode ekipersentil untuk ukuran sampel 200, 400, dan 800 pada Ujian Akhir Sekolah Berstandar Nasional (UASBN). Penelitian ini penting dilakukan mengingat perangkat tes UASBN berbentuk paket tes yang berbeda. Skor yang diperoleh dari paket berbeda tidak dapat langsung disimpulkan adanya perbedaan kemampuan antarpeserta tes, karena tingkat kesukaran paket yang digunakan mempengaruhi perbedaan tersebut. Untuk menanggulangi perbedaan dilakukan melalui penyetaraan (equating).  Metode yang digunakan adalah eksperimen dua variabel, yaitu metode penyetaraan dan ukuran sampel. Eksperimen tidak dilakukan selama proses pembelajaran berlangsung, tetapi dilakukan setelah skor dan pola jawaban peserta diperoleh melalui UASBN. Populasi penelitian peserta UASBN SD/MI tahun pelajaran 2008/2009 mata pelajaran IPA di Jakarta Timur. Penarikan sampel menggunakan teknik penarikan sampel acak dengan pengembalian. Hipotesis diuji menggunakan teknik ana-lisis statistik uji kesamaan variansi. Hasil penelitian dengan α = 0,05 menunjukkan: (1) variansi skor penyetaraan metode ekipersentil (σ2ekp200) tidak berbeda dengan variansi skor penyetaraan metode linear (σ2lin200) untuk ukuran sampel 200, (2) variansi skor penyetaraan metode ekipersentil (σ2ekp400) tidak berbeda dengan variansi skor penyetaraan metode linear (σ2lin400) untuk ukuran sampel 400, dan (3) variansi skor penyetaraan metode ekipersentil (σ2ekp800) tidak berbeda dengan variansi skor penyetaraan metode linear (σ2lin800) untuk ukuran sampel 800


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    Vocational High Schools as institutions that prepare labor, are demanded to be able to produce graduates who are ready to compete in the business world and in the industrial world. Through the Dual System Education program in the form of understanding theory in schools and practical experience in industry, students are prepared to become graduates who are ready to work. The study of this literature aims to find out: (1) which is more influential between internship and learning achievement on vocational students' work readiness; (2) how much the contribution of learning achievement and internship to vocational students' work readiness. The method used is the study of literature obtained from the search of relevant research articles from 2014-2020 using the Google Schoolar database. Searching a data base with related titles found 70 articles. The results of 70 articles found were carried out identification, screening and eligibility through inclusion and exclusion criteria so that 10 articles were selected that were relevant to the objectives of the literature study. The results of the literature study found: (1) the experience of internship is more influential compared to student achievement, because the internship program makes students more aware of the competencies needed in the world of work that are not obtained when learning in school; (2) the contribution of learning achievement and apprenticeship to work readiness has an average percentage of 31.08% so it is concluded learning achievement and internship contribute to vocational student work readiness. This number is because there are several other factors that are not examined also affect student work readiness. Internship experiences that have been carried out make students gain experience because they already feel the world of work when doing internship, and coupled with the learning achievements that have been owned make students ready to face the world of work


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    Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan hubungan antara sarana prasarana dan motivasi belajar peserta didik dengan hasil belajar peserta didik pada standar kompetensi memasang instalasi penerangan Listrik bangunan bertingkat di SMK Negeri 5 Surabaya. Penelitian ini dilakukan di SMKN 5 Surabaya pada program keahlian Teknik Instalasi Listrik. Rancangan penelitian ini dilakukan dengan teknik penelitian populasi. Populasi pada penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas XI program keahlian Teknik Instalasi Listrik sebanyak 30 siswa. Teknik pengambilan data berupa kuesioner dan dokumentasi. Teknik analisa data berupa statistik deskriptif analisa menggunakan regresi linier berganda dan regresi linier sederhana untuk mencari hubungan antara X1, X2, terhadap hasil belajar Y. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bawah  hipotesis 1 ada hubungan positif antara sarana prasarana dengan hasil belajar dengan nilai (+0,70), artinya semakin besar jawaban peserta didik terhadap angket sarana prasarana yang baik maka semakin baik nilai peserta didik dan ada hubungan negatif antara motivasi belajar dengan hasil belajar dengan nilai (-0,64), artinya semakin besar jawaban peserta didik terhadap angket motivasi belajar yang kurang termotivasi belajar maka semakin turun nilai peserta didik. Hipotesis 2 ada hubungan positif antara sarana prasarana dengan hasil belajar dengan nilai (+0,67), artinya semakin besar jawaban peserta didik terhadap angket sarana prasarana yang baik maka semakin baik nilai peserta didik dan hipotesis 3 ada hubungan positif antara motivasi belajar dengan hasil belajar dengan nilai (+0,59), artinya semakin besar jawaban peserta didik terhadap angket yang baik maka semakin baik nilai peserta didik. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian ini dapat disarankan (1) guru diharapkan lebih sering memberikan motivasi dalam memanfaatkan sarana prasarana dan turut berperan serta dalam meningkatkan frekuensi pemanfaatan sarana prasarana secara continue, (2) Guru juga ikut berperan serta meningkatkan keterampilan dalam menggunakan/menfaatkan sarana prasarana  sekolah, (3) Guru diharapkan lebih sering memberikan motivasi belajar agar dapat menumbuhkan motivasi belajar dalam diri peserta didik. Kata Kunci: sarana prasarana, motivasi belajar, hasil belajar   Abstract This study aims to describe the relationship between infrastructure and motivation of learners with the learning outcomes of students in the competency standard install Electrical lighting installation in multistory buildings SMK Negeri 5 Surabaya. This research was conducted at SMK Surabaya 5 Electrical Installation Technical skills program. The design of this research was done by using a population study. The population in this study is a class XI student of Electrical Installation Engineering skills program by 30 students. Data retrieval techniques such as questionnaires and documentation. Data analysis techniques such as descriptive statistical analysis using multiple linear regression and simple linear regression to find the relationship between X1, X2, the learning outcomes of Y. The results of this study indicate that hypothesis 1 there is a positive relationship between infrastructure with learning outcomes with value (+0.70), meaning that the greater the student answers to a questionnaire that good infrastructure the better value learners and there is a negative relationship between motivation to learn the learning outcomes with value (-0.64), meaning that the greater response to the learners' learning motivation questionnaire less motivated to learn the more down grades learners. Hypothesis 2 there is a positive relationship between infrastructure with learning outcomes with value (+0.67), meaning that the greater the student answers to a questionnaire that good infrastructure the better value learners and hypothesis 3 there is a positive relationship between learning motivation and learning outcomes with the value (+0.59), meaning that the greater the student answers to a questionnaire that either the better value learners. Based on the results of the study suggest (1) teachers are expected more frequently provide motivation in utilizing infrastructure and have participated in the increase in the frequency of utilization of infrastructure continue, (2) Teachers also participate in improving skills to use / utilize school infrastructure, (3) Teachers are expected more frequently to motivate learning in order to foster motivation to learn in a self-learners.   Keywords: infrastructure, learning motivation, learning outcome


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    Learning innovation is a central point in creating competent students who are able to compete in the world of work. Most students like the existence of learning innovations that prioritize the activeness and involvement of students directly with experience, especially at the Vocational High School. The objectives of this literature study are: (1) knowing the effect of PBP learning models in enhancing students' creativity, and (2) knowing the obstacles in implementing project-based learning models. This literature study was obtained from scientific research articles from 2015-2019 using Google Schoolar and obtained 388 articles with project-based learning keywords. 388 articles were carried out identification, screening, eligibility so that 9 (nine) articles were obtained in accordance with the objectives of the literature study. The results of the analysis of the literature study concluded: (1) student creativity experienced significant differences before and after project-based learning with an average of 78.56%, so it can be said that project-based learning can increase student creativity; (2) obstacles that are often found in project-based learning 5 articles mentioning classroom conditioning by teachers that are not optimal making the application of learning not run optimally, 4 other articles explaining assignments that are not in accordance with the specified schedule are still often found obstacles


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    Abstrak Resitansi pentanahan yang rendah menjadi salah satu syarat pada sistem tenaga listrik dan peralatan elektrikal. Kondisi resistansi pentanahan yang rendah sulit didapatkan, diperlukan perlakuan khusus pada tanah. Salah satunya adalah dengan memberikan perlakuan khusus pada tanah dengan memanfaatkan biochar. Biochar merupakan hasil pyrolisis dari limbah pertanian, perkebunan, dan kayu-kayuan yang berbentuk arang. Sifat biochar dapat menyerap dan menahan air sehingga dapat mereduksi nilai resistansi pentanahan. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui pengaruh biochar terhadap nilai resistansi pentanahan di Kelurahan Lubang Buaya, Jakarta Timur. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian eksperimen dilakukan dengan menambahkan biochar di sekeliling elektrode batang, kemudian memvariasikan diameter penambahan biochar di sekeliling elektrode batang pada tiga lubang pentanahan yang berbeda. Diameter lubang pertama sebesar 20 cm, lubang kedua 30 cm, dan diameter lubang ketiga 40 cm. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa, nilai resistansi pentanahan naik seiring dengan pertambahan diameter penambahan biochar. Didapatkan resistansi pentanahan 164 Ω pada diameter 20 cm, 369 Ω pada diameter 30 cm dan 573 Ω pada diameter 40 cm. Kata Kunci : Biochar, Resistansi Pentanahan, Elektrode Batang. Abstract Low grounding resistance is one of the requirements for power system and electrical equipment. In the condition of low earth resistance is difficult to obtain, special treatment is required on the ground. One of them is by giving special treatment to the soil by utilizing biochar. Biochar is the result of pyrolisis from agricultural waste, plantation, and timber in the form of charcoal. Biochar properties can absorb and retain water so that it can reduce the value of grounding resistance. This study aims to determine the effect of biochar on the value of earth resistance in Kelurahan Lubang Buaya, East Jakarta. This research is an experimental research conducted by adding biochar around the rod electrode, then varying the diameter of biochar addition around the rod electrode at three different earth holes. First hole diameter of 20 cm, second hole 30 cm, and third hole diameter 40 cm. The results show that, the value of grounding resistance increases with the increase in diameter of biochar addition. Obtained 164 Ω earth resistance at 20 cm diameter, 369 Ω in diameter 30 cm and 573 Ω in diameter 40 cm. Keywords: Biochar, Ground Resistance, Rod Electrode